Turnout Statistics - STAFFORD COUNTY
Precinct Name | Totals |
# AB - Absentee By Mail | 4,169 |
# EV - Early Voting | 12,221 |
# PE - Ballots Processed Post Election*** | 346 |
## Provisional | 136 |
101 - HARTWOOD | 2,015 |
102 - SIMPSON | 1,174 |
103 - COLLEGE | 1,225 |
104 - WESTLAKE | 956 |
105 - ROCKY RUN | 720 |
106 - FORGE | 592 |
201 - ROCK HILL | 1,690 |
202 - ROSEVILLE | 1,340 |
203 - RUBY | 1,294 |
204 - STEFANIGA | 1,383 |
205 - MOUNT ARARAT | 591 |
301 - STAFFORDBORO | 618 |
302 - WIDEWATER | 898 |
303 - BARRETT HEIGHTS | 624 |
304 - AQUIA EPISCOPAL | 325 |
305 - GRIFFIS | 329 |
306 - MIDWAY | 740 |
401 - COURTHOUSE | 932 |
402 - BROOKE | 782 |
403 - HARBOUR | 983 |
404 - GOVERNMENT ISLAND | 1,198 |
405 - HOPE | 1,454 |
406 - AQUIA | 152 |
501 - GRAFTON | 1,990 |
502 - FALMOUTH | 1,381 |
503 - DREW | 1,591 |
504 - GAYLE | 1,178 |
505 - ESKIMO HILL | 273 |
601 - FERRY FARM | 1,417 |
602 - CHATHAM | 1,557 |
603 - WHITE OAK | 1,780 |
604 - ENGLAND RUN | 484 |
605 - MELCHERS | 1,294 |
701 - PARK RIDGE | 1,410 |
702 - WHITSON | 902 |
703 - HAMPTON | 1,456 |
704 - POOLE | 1,553 |
#PE - Ballots Processed Post Election*** - Ballots postmarked by Election Day and received by noon on Friday.
Page generated on 12/06/2022 02:16 AM

#AB - Central Absentee Precinct Results from mailed absentee ballots processed through Election Day
#EV - Central Absentee Precinct Results from in-person early voting
#PE - Central Absentee Precinct Results from mailed absentee ballots received by the deadline and processed after Election Day