Turnout Statistics - RUSSELL COUNTY
Precinct Name | Totals |
# AB - Absentee By Mail | 367 |
# EV - Early Voting | 1,276 |
# PE - Ballots Processed Post Election*** | 2 |
## Provisional | 1 |
101 - MOCCASIN | 460 |
102 - COPPER CREEK | 370 |
103 - SOUTH CASTLEWOOD | 254 |
201 - NORTH CASTLEWOOD | 767 |
202 - DANTE | 151 |
301 - COOKS MILL | 136 |
302 - DAUGHERTY | 204 |
303 - NEW GARDEN | 375 |
304 - CLEVELAND | 256 |
401 - DRILL | 66 |
402 - SWORDS CREEK | 649 |
403 - HONAKER | 333 |
501 - WEST LEBANON | 970 |
601 - EAST LEBANON | 485 |
602 - ELK GARDEN | 727 |
#PE - Ballots Processed Post Election*** - Ballots postmarked by Election Day and received by noon on Friday.
Page generated on 12/06/2022 02:16 AM

#AB - Central Absentee Precinct Results from mailed absentee ballots processed through Election Day
#EV - Central Absentee Precinct Results from in-person early voting
#PE - Central Absentee Precinct Results from mailed absentee ballots received by the deadline and processed after Election Day