Registration Statistics - SPOTSYLVANIA COUNTY
Precinct | Active Voter Count | Inactive Voter Count | Total Voter Count |
101 - PARTLOW | 2,942 | 86 | 3,028 |
102 - BLAYDES CORNER | 3,299 | 113 | 3,412 |
103 - TRAVELERS REST | 4,748 | 112 | 4,860 |
104 - MASSAPONAX | 3,638 | 147 | 3,785 |
201 - WILDERNESS SCHOOL | 3,224 | 150 | 3,374 |
202 - WILDERNESS FIRE | 3,291 | 115 | 3,406 |
203 - NI RIVER ELYS FORD | 2,983 | 124 | 3,107 |
204 - CHANCELLOR | 4,117 | 213 | 4,330 |
301 - PLANK ROAD | 4,047 | 145 | 4,192 |
302 - HAZEL RUN | 4,124 | 198 | 4,322 |
303 - RIVERBEND | 5,410 | 180 | 5,590 |
401 - SUMMIT | 4,710 | 184 | 4,894 |
402 - PARKSIDE | 5,556 | 261 | 5,817 |
403 - LEE HILL | 4,770 | 239 | 5,009 |
501 - BELMONT | 2,600 | 82 | 2,682 |
502 - BROKENBURG | 2,405 | 63 | 2,468 |
503 - POST OAK | 2,599 | 55 | 2,654 |
504 - COURTHOUSE | 3,623 | 139 | 3,762 |
505 - BROCK | 4,109 | 138 | 4,247 |
601 - SALEM | 4,298 | 184 | 4,482 |
602 - SMITH STATION | 5,141 | 201 | 5,342 |
603 - PIEDMONT | 2,702 | 115 | 2,817 |
701 - BATTLEFIELD | 2,989 | 130 | 3,119 |
702 - BRENTS MILL | 4,739 | 253 | 4,992 |
703 - FAIRVIEW | 2,225 | 100 | 2,325 |
704 - GAYLE | 5,189 | 179 | 5,368 |
Totals | 99,478 | 3,906 | 103,384 |
Page generated on 06/20/2022 11:08 PM

#AB - Central Absentee Precinct Results from mailed absentee ballots processed through Election Day
#EV - Central Absentee Precinct Results from in-person early voting
#PE - Central Absentee Precinct Results from mailed absentee ballots received by the deadline and processed after Election Day